Thursday, July 13, 2017

Day Six - Thursday Morning Updates

Good morning everyone! I can't speak completely for Becca and Nathan, but I am still basking in the glow of there being no brain bleed and that she is still extubated. Anyone else feel the same way? This beautiful little girl is defying the odds and I, for one, am incredibly grateful. She is a testament to your prayers. Your breaths of prayers you whisper as you pour your coffee, or walk to a work meeting, or change your baby's diaper. When you breathe out that prayer request while you are driving or laying down in bed at night, God is hearing them. The staff are now coming by Becca and Nathan, saying "Did you hear no brain bleeds? It's because thousands are praying!" This time right now is displaying the work of Jesus, and people are paying attention.
Thank you to Jenna in Florida for what you did in your Bible journal! 

Let's hit up some praises and prayer requests, because I know you are ready to see how you can pray today!

She remains extubated. Cannot state this enough as to how wonderful this is for her.

She still has zero brain bleeds! But keep praying for this as Canaan will have another scan on day 14.

She is alive for day 6! Becca and Nathan found out more last night about her birth story, and it's incredible. This little warrior wasn't expected by anyone to make it. And yet here she is, surviving. Next step: thriving!
Mommy and Nanna, doing some of that beautiful healing touch time.
And check out the sweet pictures Fenley has colored for Canaan's bed!

(There will be something new to pray for each day, because micro preemie's are constantly changing. Especially as she works toward day 10 of living. Her perseverance is a great attribute.)

Canaan needs to keep her feedings down. Pray for the development of her GI tract.

She had an echo on her heart yesterday. Please pray that she will miraculously have no PDA (this is a valve in the heart that usually closes up in babies when full term). We need this to not be present. Do you believe this can happen? I do! Join us in that prayer - I am ready for her to shock the doctors yet again.

Pray all her systems work together. Especially those heart and lungs!

Daddy doing a temp check at one of Canaan's care times.
Fun fact - he knew the name of something that the nurse practitioner did not. I think he enjoyed that!
For any of his anatomy students reading along, you would be proud.

I've posted the Go Fund Me link, but wanted to post it again here.

Go Fund Me Page for Becca and Nathan

Also, Becca and Nathan were able to move into a long term rental they heard about from a NICU nurse. So here is the address if you would like to send them a card:

ATTN: Becca and Nathan Daniel
15 N. Locust Avenue, Apt. 3
Fayetteville, AR 72701

Soaking up family dinner at Chipotle using a gift card someone sent.
They are so incredibly grateful!
The beauty of song and scripture is coming at them every day. Here is some they are clinging to these days:

"The Lord's promises are pure,
like silver refined in a furnace,
purified seven times over."
---Psalm 12:6 (NLT)

Jesus Culture - Miracles

Amy Grant - Breath of Heaven
(this song, even though it's sung during Christmas season, is one they sing over Canaan's bed every night. That beautiful chorus is so fitting for her!)

Many, many thanks to all of you as you lift the Daniel family up in your prayers. We keep expecting miracles, and God continues to deliver them.


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Celebration of Canaan's Life

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