One year ago today, Nathan got in the car (another
blessing in itself btw) and made the 400+ mile drive southbound to start our adventure.
With 7/7/14 being the anniversary we feel it is time to share this testimony of
the Lord’s goodness. We have wanted to share our testimony of our move to
Florida for some time now but sometimes we just get distracted and too busy. Well,
that ends today. God’s generosity and faithfulness must be shared NOW! We fully
realize how incredible this story is and we want to pass it on. We only share this
story to ultimately give God the glory for the way He answers prayer and keeps
us dreaming big. Recently, we read the following passage in Mark Batterson’s
book, Circle Maker: “Dreaming is
a form of praying. BOLD prayers honor God and God honors bold prayers. God
isn’t offended by your biggest dreams or boldest prayers. He is offended by
anything less.” WOW. Let that soak in.
And while the salty beach air blows through the palm branches just outside
our condo balcony, so begins our ongoing story…
In January 2013 we talked about choosing a family bible
verse to guide us through the year. We wanted to claim a message we would cling
to in times of trouble and one we would grasp the true meaning of throughout
the year. We believe that learning scripture is huge but daily verses sometimes
don’t have the power to really set in. After some thought we chose Ephesians
3:20 “now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or
imagine, according to His purpose that is at work within us, to Him be glory.”
Okay, God…we know you want to do MORE than we can possibly imagine. What does
that look like? What do you want from Team Daniel? We started having
conversations and asking God to help us see what “more than all we could ask or
imagine” looked like for us.
One night while sitting on our couch after a tough day
for both of us, we talked about what it would look like to move away. On a
typical “pros and cons” list, our families, church body, and friends dominated the
list with what we loved about Nashville, TN. We knew moving away from those we
loved would be tough but wondered if God could be calling us somewhere else. We
spent many nights dreaming about where we could go. We talked about what we could
do, how we could broaden our horizons, and how/where God could use us. We began to picture ourselves in Florida,
immersing ourselves in this clear vision of life on the Emerald Coast. We put
pictures on our refrigerator and clear images in our minds, all very simple
reminders to pray BIG. Along with this vision we started praying BIG, BOLD
prayers as a couple and as a family. “God, take us where you want us. Take us
where you can use us. Take us where we can focus on you and each other and do
your work while still maintaining relationships with our families and friends
here in TN.” Looking back now, we know that God must have been smiling so big knowing
what He had in store for us.
We decided in late January to pursue job options in the
panhandle of Florida. Becca’s family had close ties to people in Fort Walton
Beach and this location seemed like a logical place to start. Becca also knew a
family that had recently moved to Pensacola for a ministry position, Jeremy and
Jessica Swindle (We met Jessica through RAVE events over the years). Emails and
phone calls went out to these family ties and connections as we continued to
pray and dream. Dream. &. Pray.
In February 2013, Nathan sent some cold emails to schools
all along the panhandle, mainly in Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Walton
counties. We knew we would love to be at
Fort Walton Beach HS but knew that we needed to keep our options open in the
search. Nathan was excited about the possibility of coaching high school football
in Florida, and we were confident that Becca could still do RAVE anywhere and
find something else to supplement our income. We knew Fenley would adjust well
and love the water! The late winter brought new lows. Days became long and
monotonous as we longed for a change. God seemed to be preparing our hearts. Though
we were down, we did not lose hope and kept dreaming, kept praying. One day in
the midst of a terrible day Nathan was having in March, Becca felt compelled to
remind Nathan to not give up hope. Becca
sent the pic stitch collage of 4 pictures that is seen here with clear images
of what it might look like to live in Florida one day. Along with the picture
were the words “Dream Big, Keep praying, God will provide.” We have kept this
picture all this time to remind us how great God is and how He loves to give
his children good gifts. Who knew a pic could really be laying out the way for
these blessings!

In late April we decided to take a leap of faith and go
to Florida. We planned to stay with the Swindles and have Nathan just go school
to school and show up and let them meet him. We knew face to face was way
better than only emails. We invited Chaslynn, our dear friend, to get away for
a bit and join us. Nathan visited 5 or 6 schools in Pensacola. The Swindles
were amazing as we talked through big moves and God’s plans. They introduced us
to an elder at their church named Scott Watson. Scott had been a coach for
years and knew many coaches along the emerald coast. He helped Nathan set up
times to meet coaches that weekend. He had connections with many places. There
is no doubt he was another God send. Nathan went to schools in Pensacola,
Navarre and Gulf Breeze. Scott said that the coach at FWB was busy that day but
that he would do Scott a favor and meet with this guy (Nathan) for a few
minutes. We decided to stop by FWB on our way back to TN. It was the last stop
of the day. Nathan dropped the girls off at the beach while he went to meet
Coach Owens a few miles away. After 2 hours of his “stop by”, he came back to
get the girls. Nathan said it went very well. He and Coach Owens had a great
conversation but there was not a position available. He didn’t think there
would be one for the next school year. Pulling out of the parking lot at the
beach, Chaslynn asked us what our desire was. We talked it through and realized
that FWB was our number 1 pick but it was looking like that was the one that
wouldn’t have a spot available.

In that time with Coach Owens, Nathan brought up what
Becca did with RAVE. Now this might not seem like a big deal, but it’s a HUGE
part of this story. Nathan said he felt compelled to share with Coach Owens
about RAVE and what the ministry does for teen girls. After telling him that,
Coach Owens gave him a card with his daughter’s name on it and told him to have
Becca call his daughter when she had a chance because she has a cool testimony.
Get ready! God shows off again… No, no, this story deserves a post all to its
own. Just know that Becca and Nathan became very close to Coach Owens’ daughter
Jessica who just so happened to be living in Nashville at the time. Yes, I
know, crazy!
We kept in touch with the coaches Nathan met all
throughout May. We loved getting to know Jessica more too. We finished out the
school year strong in TN and were excited to see what God had planned. We were
however getting a little anxious as it was the end of May and nothing seemed to
be really happening. Nathan got an email late May that said FWB still didn’t
look like it would have something available. Knowing this, he pursued the
Pensacola jobs and even a couple in Nashville even though our hearts’ desire
was FWB. We had to start getting ready for a big event with RAVE and we had to
order shirts. As we were deciding with the team about what verse to put on the
shirts, the Lord let us know that Ephesians 3:20 would be perfect. Putting that
verse on the RAVE shirts was a truth claimer for us. We knew HE had MORE – we just
didn’t know where or when.
Becca received a call from Jessica (Coach Owens’
daughter) in mid-June. She said while boating with her dad she had learned that
a coach recently left FWBHS and he didn’t know who he would get to replace him.
Right then Jessica said, “I do.” Jessica talked to Coach Owens about that guy
you met a few weeks named Nathan Daniel. Soon after, Nathan got an email from
him. We took a trip down here late June and that was that. The school that
didn’t seem to have anything coming available all of a sudden had a spot in
football and teaching science. Two short weeks later Nathan found himself
driving down I-65! Nathan found a home
with some great help from his aunt and cousin who were on vacation at the time,
yet another God send. We moved in and settled into our home in late July, just
before football practice cranked up several notches!
So friends, here we are exactly one year later. ONE YEAR.
Number one school Nathan wanted… Ft. Walton Beach? CHECK.
Solid, lifelong friendships that were established along
the way with the Owens and Swindles? CHECK.
Still maintaining relationships with friends and family?
CHECK. (the Quality time we get here with others is amazing!)
Does God answer prayer? YES. Does HE like bold prayers? He
absolutely does.
We sometimes forget how awesome God is. On days where we
miss family and friends from TN, we remind ourselves how God completely and
totally orchestrated this move for us. At times we get caught up in praying
mediocre prayers but after thinking back we are challenged to pray MORE.
Ephesians 3:20 was our 2013 verse of the year. In
thinking what we wanted 2014 to be we chose Matthew 21:22: “Ask anything in my
name and if you have faith, you shall receive it.”
May we all strive to have the faith to ask ANYTHING. On
days where you wonder if God cares about the little specific things you want or
the big desires you dream, remember to pray BOLDLY in His name. “Bold
prayers honor GOD. And GOD honors bold
prayers. GOD isn’t offended by your biggest dreams or boldest prayers. He is offended by anything less.”
We can’t wait to share more of our dreams and our prayers
with you. Get ready! After what we have been praying in 2014 for Matthew 21:22
to be answered, we are pumped to see what He has.
Keep dreamin!